Residential Aged Care Integration Programme
The Residential Aged Care Integration Programme is an innovative system to integrate care for older people living in aged care facilities and to support Residential Aged Care staff.
- The programme employs a team of Gerontology Nurse Specialists, Wound Care Nurse Specialists led by a Gerontology Nurse Practitioner.
- The RACIP team works closely with aged care providers.
Gerontology Nurse Specialists provide:
- outreach services to aged care facilities in the Waitemata DHB region
these include comprehensive gerontology assessments and care co-ordination across primary and secondary care
- proactive education and clinical coaching for residential aged care staff at individual facilities
- Gerontology Nurse Specialists, Wound Care Nurse Specialists with other specialty Waitemata DHB staff provide ongoing quarterly education sessions for residential aged care staff specifically targeting the needs of residents in aged care facilities
- Wound Care Nurse Specialists provide wound care intervention for complex wounds and coaching aimed at preventing the complications of chronic wounds