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Rural Alliance

What have we been up to?

Our Rural Point of Care Testing Service (R-POCT) is now operational in rural general practices across both Te Whatu Ora - Auckland and Waitematā areas. View more about R-POCT.

Watch a video below about two real-life examples of the difference the R-POCT service has made to the rural community, "R-POCT Stories from a Patient and Practice Perspective":

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About Rural Alliance

Prior to establishing the Rural Alliance, Te Whatu Ora - Auckland and Waitematāundertook an engagement process with rural primary care providers with a view to creating an Auckland Waitematā Rural Alliance. 

The aim of this consultation with PHOs and general practices was to gain genuine buy-in to give the Rural Alliance a strong foundation to work from. 

It was essential to the DHBs to ensure clinical representation, leadership and commitment to the Rural Alliance from front line staff working and living in rural areas.

The Rural Alliance conducted its inaugural meeting on 13 May 2015 with the second meeting held on 3 September 2015.  At the second meeting, the Terms of Reference were finalised, the Chair and Deputy elected, and goals and priority areas of focus, agreed.

The Rural Alliance has been set up to provide advice and direct improvement in care and services across rural areas in Te Whatu Ora - Auckland and Waitematā. 

The Rural Alliance has a particular focus on:

  • patient centred care
  • service delivery
  • integration and sustainability issues

It will advise the Auckland Waitemata District Alliance on issues that impact on:

  • rural primary healthcare
  • rural community services
  • provide a rural lens on all health services

To ensure that the Rural Alliance’s work plan is able to successfully achieve its goals, it was important to gather baseline information and have a clearer understanding of the current environment.

The stocktake of services delivered by Te Whatu Ora - Auckland and Waitematā Rural General Practices was undertaken to establish this baseline. The stocktake and gap analysis will then be used to inform the subsequent development of the Rural Alliance Work Plan. View the Summary Report - Rural General Practices' Services Stocktake.

The Rural Alliance, servicing a combined enrolled population of 59,293* patients (at 30 June 2016), has representation from rural general practices covering the areas of:

  • Wellsford
  • Warkworth
  • West Rodney
  • Waiheke Island
  • Great Barrier Island

Member practices will be kept up to date with progress via the Rural Alliance Newsletter.

- Rural Alliance Newsletter - Issue Three
Rural Alliance Newsletter - Issue Two
Rural Alliance Newsletter - Issue One

*The above figure is only a proxy for the rural resident population as it doesn’t include people who aren’t enrolled with a general practice, or who may live in a rural area, say Wellsford, but are enrolled in a general practice in say Albany, because that is where they work.