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2017 Health Needs Assessments

District Health Boards (DHBs) are required to regularly investigate, assess and monitor the health status of their resident population, and their needs for services. The purpose of needs assessment is to bring about change beneficial to the health of the population. The needs assessment forms an integral part of the overall planning cycle, informing both funding decisions and the strategic planning process.

This document updates key points only. A comprehensive Health Needs Assessment (HNA) was undertaken in 2009. This was updated in 2011 to provide detail for each ward and local board in Waitemata DHB.

It is envisaged that this needs assessment will be a living document and its content regularly updated as new statistics become available. For key topic areas, we will undertake more detailed assessments and these will be published as separate documents.


2019 Health Needs Assessments

2017 Health Needs Assessments

2011 Health Needs Assessments, Local Boards and Wards

2009 Health Needs Assessments, Asian HNA, Maori HNA, Pacific HNA

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