North Shore (09) 486 8900
Waitakere (09) 839 0000

Patients & Visitors

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Where should you go?

Follow the 1-2-3 rule. The Emergency Department is for emergencies only

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Telehealth appointments

Some clinics at Waitematā DHB are now able to offer a telephone or video option for selected appointments.

1 gettingthere2

Finding your way

Get to our hospitals clinics by: ambulance, driving, public transport, taxis, shuttles, transfers and parking information

2 stayinghospital

Staying in hospital

Menus and meal times, visiting hours, uniforms, health passport, quality boards, tests, going home, when you get home


Your safety in hospital

Confidentiality, falls, infection control, privacy and dignity, security, emergency planning

4 Payment

Do you have to pay?

Payment policy, Eligibility for free healthcare, FAQs.

5 supportingyou

Supporting you

Advanced Care Planning, Chaplaincy Service, Code of Rights, Cultural Support, Health and Disability Advocacy Services, Health and Disability Commissioner

6 otherfacilities

Other facilities

ATMs, Cafés, Pharmacies, Health Links

8 patientvideos

Improving your experience

Watch patients' stories and In Your Shoes video

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Tell us what you think

How to give us feedback, Health Links, become a volunteer

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Interested in becoming a volunteers? Find out more about our volunteers programme


Your clinical records

Clinical Records can assist you with any requests for your clinical information from Waitematā DHB.

Strike Action

Resident Medical Officers (doctors) strike action