Preventing falls is a major focus for every hospital as patients can be unsteady on their feet while in the recovery stage
- The red socks have special rubber soles to help keep patients from slipping
- They are available from our nurses
To help us prevent falls patients can:
- use the call bell to get help with getting up and walking until you feel confident to manage alone
- do not walk on your own if you feel dizzy, weak, tired, or generally unwell
- wear securely fitting slippers with a non-slip sole and no trailing laces
- if you have a bed rail in place, please call the nurses to lower the rail before getting out of bed
- do not try to move around the rail
- if you wear glasses, put them on before moving
- make sure you know where you are going
- if you are unsure ask for assistance until you are sure of your way
- if you have anything to carry, please ask the staff for assistance until you feel completely stable on your feet
- if you have a catheter bag, please ensure it is fitted securely to your leg and is not likely to drop on the floor and trip you up
- ensure that pajama bottoms are tied securely and are not likely to fall down and trip you up