Infection Control
Washing hands is a major focus for our staff
- hand sanitisers are provided throughout the hospital for staff, patients and visitors to use regularly
- Please feel free to ask staff if they have washed their hands
Patients and visitors can help us to keep people safe by:
- bringing in your own toiletries and not sharing them
- washing and drying your hands thoroughly - if you are unable to reach a sink please ask one of the nursing staff to provide you with hand wipes or gel
- washing or cleaning your hands before and after eating
- keeping the top of your locker/bed side table free from clutter so it can be cleaned properly
- encouraging your visitors to use the hand gel before they enter and leave clinical areas
- Staff are responsible for ensuring your bed and ward area are cleaned regularly
- If you are not happy with the standard of cleanliness or see that something has been missed, please report this to the nurse in charge
Visitors can help prevent infection by:
- not coming into hospital if you feel unwell in any way - fever, cough, diarrhoea, rash…etc. as you will be exposing already sick patients to risk of infection
- using the alcohol hand gel before and after leaving clinical areas
- using the alcohol hand gel between touching patients and surfaces
- supervising children at all times when they come to hospital
- not bringing items into hospital that could carry infection to patients or the clinical environment, such as flowers, plants, toys